From Genesis To Revelation

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


But Pharaoh said, 'Who is the LORD
that I should obey His voice to let Israel go?
I do not know the LORD,
and besides,
I will not let Israel go. 
Exodus 5:2

I read this verse of Scripture, these words of Pharaoh, and I wince. The sad thing is these words are still coming out of the mouths of "pharaohs" today. The pharaohs of Egypt believed themselves to be a god, and they were worshiped by the people as a god.

Once again we see the spirit of Satan himself. The one who said he would set himself up like the Most High God. The one who deceived Eve and still deceives today with the same lie, "For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God..." (Genesis 3:5)

Satan convinces us that we need to be our own god. We need to run our own life and make our own decisions. We don't need God telling us what to do or how to live. The sad thing is, he says this, while all along he holds us enslaved with the cords of sin. Oh how blind we are to our chains.

In 2010 I went to an Allman Brothers concert with my husband. As we sat there listening to the music I spent the majority of the evening watching the other concert attenders. The majority appeared to be intoxicated on alcohol and illegal drugs, their minds now fuzzy, and their emotions completely given over to be controlled and manipulated.

They possibly have no clue that their souls are open wide to the enemy. It broke my heart to see all these people lifting there hands up in a worshipful manner to this band. They had their hands up in praise, and their heads back and lifted up, drinking in the music of this band. Precious one, look. Let your eyes be opened to what is really going on.

This was the first non-christian concert I can recall ever attending sober. I too had been one intoxicated and completely clueless to the danger I had put myself in. I looked around at the crowd and I saw how I too once worshiped "pharaohs". I too once lifted my hands and heart and mind in praise of some performer on a stage. I made my emotional connection with them. I let the lyrics of their song help to form my own identity and my view of others.

These lyrics usually encouraged my flesh and encouraged me to be my own god. These lyrics kept my eyes focused on myself and my own selfish desires. I ask you, my friend, who do you think is the originator of these songs?

If the tongue has the power of life and death in it (Proverbs 18:21). 
If God hates a perverse and evil tongue "You love evil rather than good, falsehood rather than speaking the truth. You love every harmful word, you deceitful tongue! Surely God will bring you down to everlasting ruin..." Psalm 52:3-5. Then don't you think we should pay attention to what we sing as much as what we speak?

How blind I was to my chains. Now that I see, I know that there is only One who is worthy of my hands being lifted up to in praise. There is only One who sings with lyrics I should emotionally connect with and that, my friend, would be the beautiful song of the Holy Spirit bringing my heart to worship before the One True Living God.

In these songs my eyes are not focused on myself or the desires of my flesh. They are focused on my Christ, for He opened my eyes to my chains and when I called on Him, He set me free. Oh precious one, have your eyes been opened? 

Pharaoh's eyes were not open. They were tightly shut up in his rebellion. He was soaking in his moment of being a god to his people. He would not submit to the authority of the One who would not allow him to remain in this "god" position.

God had already warned Moses that Pharaoh would not let the Israelites go. God knew well the condition of Pharaoh's heart and now God will use this hard heart that has refused Him and will continue to refuse Him to save millions. Pharaoh is about to get a better understanding of this God he claims that he does not know and whose voice he has refused to obey.

Oh Father,

How thankful I am that You set me free. How manipulated and controlled I once was. I was as someone who stared lost and amazed at a charmer working his magic with a cobra while all along the basket of captivity was being wound around my feet. I was a fool who thought I was free and being entertained but all along I was the one being charmed and deceived. Oh Father how I pray for a great awakening! Open the eyes of Your people and set them free.

My Jesus it is in Your name I pray,

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