From Genesis To Revelation

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Who Am I

But Moses said to God,
'Who am I, that I should go to Pharoah,
and that I should bring the sons of Israel
out of Egypt?
Exodus 3:11

Who am I?
Have you ever responded to God with this same question?

Oh I have. I did so with these very devotions that I am writing. God said to me "Write a book." I replied, "No, God I can't do that...who am I to do one would want to read it." For two years I argued with God, asking "who am I." As you can see from Devotions From Genesis, God won the argument, as He also did with Moses, as He also will with you.

I read this part of the Scriptures and it brings tears to my eyes and a knot to my chest, because I truly can place myself in Moses bare feet. I stand in those feet asking "who am I" not only when God has called me to a task, but also always when I think about the cross. I continually ask, "who am I" that God would send His Son to die in my place. How could He love me so much, when He knows who I am.

I have walked as a redeemed child of God for a decade and still I am amazed. I am humbled even more as I grow in my knowledge of God and His grace. As I begin to get a better grasp of His holiness I understand even more the greatness of my sin. I see how far He had to humble himself to meet me in my wilderness and I weep tears of joy and thanksgiving because He was willing to go the distance.

Now I ask myself am I willing to go the distance for others as Christ went the distance for me?

God told Moses that He would be with him. God does not ask us to go the distance and then send us out alone, unarmed, and unprotected. God always goes with us (Hebrews 13:5-6). He has prepared our armor (Ephesians 6:10-17). God always sends us out fully equipped through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 13:21).

Such confidence we have through Christ toward God.
Not that we are adequate in ourselves
to consider anything as coming from ourselves,
but our adequacy is from God,
who also made us adequate as servants of a new covenant,
not of the letter but of the Spirit;
for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. 
2 Corinthians 3:4-6

It doesn't matter who we are or who we were. Our ability does not come from within ourselves it comes through Christ. God is well able to accomplish whatever He wills through us. If God has come to the wilderness to seek you out, if He has called you to go and be His instrument, then you can trust that He knows how to play.

You know, an instrument has no purpose on its own, yet when someone comes, a musician, and breathes their breathe into it; beautiful music that can move the world comes out of it. My friend, when we are without Christ, we have no purpose. We are instruments of sin and Satan is the conductor, but oh precious one, when the Master Musician takes hold of us, when we are instruments of righteousness and the Spirit is our conductor, the music we play is life-changing to all who hear.

Oh Father,

How I praise You for Your grace. I can only grasp Your glory in small increments of time and even then I am overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with Your love for me. Overwhelmed with Your provision for me. Overwhelmed with Your blessings upon me. You are God and there is no other. You are the only God who laid aside His glory to come to save His children. You sought me, and bought me, and called me Your own. I now call You "Abba Father" and what a privilege that is to be able to say. My Abba, may I be a willing instrument in Your hands. Forgive me when I forget and believe that Your calling is dependant on my own strength. Quickly bring me into remembrance of the truth. The truth that if You have called me, You will go with me, care for me, and fully equip me. Your Word tells me that I can do all things through Christ, and I trust Your Word.

My Jesus it is in Your name I pray,

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