From Genesis To Revelation

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Will the True Church Please Stand Up

“But the midwives feared God,”
Exodus 1:17

Psalm 111:10 tells us that "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; A good understanding have all those who do His commandments;..." How much damage has been done by those who feared man more than they feared God? 

In my travel with the March of Remembrance and Hope I was reminded of what atrocities can occur when mere men cause us to tremble. Hitler rose to power and men feared him. I sat in a room filled with every race, every religion, and listened while this woman shared her experience and studies of the "church" during the Holocaust. In my stomach grew a knot and anger rose up within me as this woman shared the truths of the lack of action of the "church" as a whole.

My anger came from the fact that this woman had lumped the "church" all in one. These men ,who by the world were considered the church because of there position, misrepresented the kingdom of God. Thus the reason for my quotation marks. The true church is not a building, it is Holy Spirit filled believers.

In Romans 6:6 we are told that in Christ we are freed from sin's power, these men were not free. In 2 Timothy 1:7 we are told that God has not given His children a spirit of timidity, but one of power. These men did not walk in the power of God. There is a difference between those who profess Christ and those who possess Christ.

Oh precious one if sin still controls you, check yourself. Make sure that you are indeed in the faith. The leaders of this "church" coward in thier fear. In this fear they allowed Hitler to do horrible things. Not just in his close knit circle, but throughout the nation of Germany and throughout the world. They turned their backs and a blind eye to his hate in order to protect themselves. Evil men rise to power and rule because good men stay silent.

In Acts 5:27-32 Peter and the apostles have just been set free from jail by an angel of the Lord. They were in prison because they shared the testimony of Christ. When they are freed they go right back to preaching Christ. The Jewish Council rises against them again but Peter and the apostles do not tremble before them. They simply answer, "...We must obey God rather than men." (Acts 5:29)

Jesus Himself said, "I say to you, My friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have no more that they can do. But I will warn you whom to fear: fear the One who, after He has killed, has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him!" (Luke 12:4-5)

Oh precious one these mid-wives stood against the most powerful man in the world, they stood against Satan himself. This slaughter of the Hebrew boys was not just a Pharoah's idea to protect his power, it was instigated by the enemy of the people of God, Satan himself, as only one of his many attempts to destroy the promised seed of Genesis 3:15.

My friend, if the day comes where you are in such a predicament, will you be one who cowars before men or will you be like these mid-wives, like the apostles, and stand and obey your God?

Oh Father,

May I be as strong as these mid-wives. May I be as strong as those who in the days of the Holocaust did not bow to Hitler, but worked against his evil to protect others, not themselves. In these last days, may I share "...the whole message of this Life." (Acts 5:20) with boldness. Oh Father might I work out my salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12), before You and You alone. Give me strength my God and confidence to stand against all evil, knowing that if You are with me who could be against me (Romans 8:31). May I say with assurance the words of David, "...What can mere men do to me." (Psalm 56:4)

My Jesus, it is in Your name I pray,

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